The mission of the CAPS Mental Health Ambassador Program is to provide an opportunity for Montclair State University students to develop leadership, community outreach and human services skills while also serving as change agents in promoting health, wellness and mental health awareness in the Montclair State community.
Through this program, we aim to engage student leaders in providing mental health outreach programming to their peers and to the Montclair State University community as a whole.
What We Do
- Conduct mental health workshops and tabling sessions
- Bi-monthly DIY Events
- Assist with community wide campus mental health and wellness campaigns
- Promote CAPS services through CAPS 101 programs
- Engage with the campus community through the use of social media campaigns
Ambassadors undergo extensive training to be informed mental health advocates. Training for new Ambassadors this year will be held in June with dates TBD, in addition to monthly professional development sessions throughout the academic year.
If you’re interested in a workshop or training facilitated by the CAPS Ambassadors, please submit your request to Dr. Sudha Wadhwani at wadhwanis@51rkb.com
Application Criteria
- Mental Health Ambassadors will be selected based on their community service experience, energy, drive to succeed, commitment to being a change agent in the Montclair State community, motivation to reach their personal/academic/professional goals, and overall leadership potential.
- Students who are current clients of Tiffany Ciprian, LCSW are not eligible to apply, due to conflict of interest and dual role concerns, because program coordinators are unable to serve as supervisors to current therapy clients.
- Applicants must be in good academic and judicial standing, with a GPA of 3.0 or above.
- Applications are due by midnight March 1, 2024.